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Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu JASPER Rechtsanwälte

Urban Planning Contract

We advise both municipalities and private individuals on the conception, drafting, negotiation and implementation of urban development contracts (Städtebauliche Verträge).

The scope of application for urban development contracts is wide:

  • Development contract (§ 11 para. 1 sentence 2 no. 1 BauGB)
  • Preparation and implementation of urban development measures
  • Use of land
  • Compensatory measures
  • Securing of housing requirements
  • Construction and use of plants and facilities for decentralised and centralised generation, distribution, use or storage of electricity, heating, cooling from renewable sources or combined heat and power (§ 11 para. 1 sentence 2 no. 4 BauGB)
  • Requirements for the energy quality of buildings (§ 11 para. 1 sentence 2 no. 5 BauGB).

Urban development agreements form the basis for the creation of building rights. It is often lengthy and at the same time difficult. Communication with the municipality and the other parties involved requires a great deal of tact in addition to the technical prerequisites. We look in particular at the concrete details and pitfalls of development plans. We take into account the individual interests of investors and/or cities and municipalities. The urban development contract must be appropriate, professional and balanced.

We also include all planning and expert opinions required for such a project. At the same time, we support preliminary studies with regard to the points that are prerequisites for a corresponding development plan. We consider compensatory measures and follow-up costs as well as the speedy and cost-effective provision of developement facilities. We represent private investors vis-à-vis the cities for residential projects, for example, but also industrial and commercial properties.

Your experts in real estate law in Dusseldorf, Essen & Wuppertal

Whether attorney, arbitrator, experts in construction, banking or corporate law: JASPER attorneys provide highly specialized legal advice. We look forward to your call under +49(0)211 492590 or by mail to

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