In its ruling of April 1, 2021 the Berlin Higher Regional Court decided that in the event of a government-ordered store closure due to the Corona pandemic, the commercial rent can be reduced by half due to the cessation of the basis of the business
The Federal Supreme Court (BGH) has clarified in a judgement (case no. VIII ZR 40/19) that not every disadvantageous deviation in area already leads to a tenant's right to reduce the rent.
Once a year, tenants receive the service charge statement from their landlords. All operating costs borne by the landlord are invoiced, and these costs usually increase every year.
The closures of retail and other commercial establishments will result in significant sales losses, especially during the Christmas season, for the respective businesses.
On Monday (November 23, 2020) the second stage of the Berlin rent cap came into force.
In the past, some Airbnb landlords have not taken the taxation of income from this business so seriously. Now, at the latest, every landlord should consider carefully how to proceed.
Sie erinnern sich an unseren Blog-Beitrag vom 05. Februar 2020 mit dem Titel “Berlin hat (vorerst) den Mietendeckel”?
In Deutschland leben 54,3 % der Einwohner in einer Mietwohnung. In keinem Land der Europäischen Union gibt es einen höheren Wert.
Die 67. Zivilkammer des Landgerichts Berlin (Beschluss vom 12.03.2020, Az. 67 S 274/19) hat Bedenken an der Verfassungsmäßigkeit des Berliner Mietendeckels.
Vermieter und Mieter streiten häufig über die zulässige Nutzung einer Mietsache. Oft nutzen Mieter (gerade bei Gewerberäumen) die Mietsache entgegen den im Vertrag vereinbarten Zweck, so auch ...